Tips for a smooth international move: Documentation, Packing, Transportation and Insurance

If you're planning an international move, it's important to keep a few key factors in mind to ensure a smooth move. Next, we will tell you everything you need to know toRead more »

How is a work of art transferred?

There are always several reasons for moving works of art, but the most frequent is for buying or moving and when temporary exhibitions are presented. The works ofRead more »

How is container space measured for international moves?

When we start with the procedures of our international move, many doubts arise and one of them is: how do you measure the container where my furniture will go?Read more »

What objects cannot be moved in an international move?

When carrying out an international move, it is of great importance to be informed about the items that are not allowed to be moved within the household,Read more »

Learn about the different processes for carrying out an international move

For the realization of an international removal it is of great importance to follow a process so that all your belongings arrive at the destination without any inconvenience, below we show you theRead more »

Steps to make an international move

We know that lately people have had to move from one place to another either for personal or work reasons, in all cases the most personal itemsRead more »

¿Cómo hacer fácil una mudanza?

Hay varias maneras de hacer una mudanza, algunas personas se toman mucho tiempo para hacerlas, otros las hacen por su cuenta en un par de días y a veces seRead more »

¿Cuánto cuesta contratar un camión de mudanza?

Las mudanzas requieren de varios elementos para llevarse a cabo de manera eficaz y ágil. Se necesitan cajas, etiquetas, personal y vehículos de transporte. Esté último, es quizá el elementoRead more »

Cosas que se te pueden olvidar a la hora de hacer tu mudanza

Una mudanza no solo implica un transporte de objetos, hay que tener muchos cuidados y tener una planeación estricta para que sea todo un éxito. En esté post te recordaremosRead more »
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